Monthly Archives: October 2015

Top 10 Things To See and Do in Edinburgh

  1. Edinburgh Castle – A significant monument in the history of Edinburgh as well as an iconic part of the Edinburgh skyline. Edinburgh_Castle2Edinburgh_Castle3The castle is a must see site while visiting the city. Edinburgh_Castle1It’s a great way to learn about the history of the city, the history of Scotland, and to take in beautiful views of Old Town, The Royal Mile, New Town, Arthur’s seat and the rest of Edinburgh. Edinburgh_Castle7Edinburgh_Castle6Edinburgh_Castle5(Tip: once you purchase a ticket, you have the option to take a free guided tour (leaving every 10 minutes during peak season or 30 mins during non-peak season) or you can purchase an audio guide to enrich your visit. The audio guide will definitely have a lot more information than the guided tour, but it is also an extra expense and the guided tour is a great option to learn about most important parts of the castle and see most of it in a shorter amount of time.)  Continue reading