Monthly Archives: October 2014

Adventures in Peru, Part 2: The Inca Trail

The Inca Trail…a renowned trek that culminates at the stunning site of Machu Picchu.

We were so lucky to have been able to hike the Inca Trail during our trip to Peru. The feeling of arriving to the Sun Gate at sunrise to look upon the magnificent ruins of Machu Picchu is indescribable. It was an absolutely incredible way to visit a historical treasure that I have been wanting to see since I was 12 years old.

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Adventures in Peru, Part 1: Manu National Park


After arriving in Peru and visiting Cusco for a few days (more on Cusco in a later post), our first major adventure was our tour of Manu National Park. DSC_0614Since we only had 16 days in Peru, we had to make some tough decisions about what we wanted to see and do.Machu Picchu and the Inca Trail were the reason we were going, so those were set, but we had to figure out how we wanted to spend the rest of our time. We debated between going to Tambopata, Colca Canyon, Lake Titicaca and Manu National Park. Deciding to go to Manu National Park meant missing out on Lake Titicaca and Colca Canyon, but if we were going to go to the Amazon, we wanted to get the full experience and spend a considerable amount of time there.

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